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The hiring of a Financial Controller in an outsourcing regime allows companies to have access to staff with high experience in the area, without, therefore, incurring high fixed cost structures.

With this service, managers can focus their efforts on tasks of an operational and commercial nature, with the guarantee of an efficient and strict management control of the company’s administrative and financial plan.

A contratação de um Financial Controller em regime de outsourcing permite às empresas ter acesso a quadros com alta experiência na área, sem, com isso, incorrer a elevadas estruturas de custos fixos.

Com este serviço, os gestores podem concentrar os seus esforços em tarefas de cariz operacional e comercial, com a garantia de um eficiente e rigoroso controlo da gestão do plano administrativo e financeiro da empresa.


Availability Management and Third-Party Accounts

Maintenance of Banking Processes

Monitoring of Audit Processes

Execution of the Management Reporting Process

Execution of the Company’s Administrative Tasks
